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Monthly Membership

Free for 5 days £25.00/month
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This gives you access to our full library of content, monthly.

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3-Month Membership

Free for 5 days £66.00/quarter
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This gives you access to our full library of content, quarterly.

Save £9 when signing up for 3-months.

3-month access (the time it takes for an egg to mature) to our ever-growing library of over 50 online classes in movement (yoga, pilates and barre), meditation (metta, mantra and mindfulness) and massage.


Annual Membership

Free for 5 days £198.00/year
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This gives you access to our full library of content, annually.

Save £102 when signing up for a year.
Tune into your womb, regulate hormones and honour your cycle.
Move safely through pregnancy and build self-trust for birth.
Have access to assisted rest, recovery and rehabilitation during postpartum.